Hey there,After shopping and decorating for the holidays and all the hoopla is done, there is a strange feeling left behind, kind of like. Oh! Was that it? Is it over? Then we take the decorations down and the feeling that something is missing lingers.Most of the United States, as well as a few parts of the World, are experiencing snow, cold, rain and the chill is in the air. School is back and festivities are over. However, your favorite things, colors, and textures don’t have to freeze with the calendar months. Get inspired and add some winter pizzazz to your decor.How to warm up a room with simple accessories in the wintertime.

Side Note: Anytime you are reading one of my posts know that I write about what has worked for me, this is my perspective, my opinion. In my 17 years of experience, evolving as a designer, (& as a human being) the exposure to multi-cultural, geographical and generational experiences has given me a more casual approach to design. I see design as a collected effort rather than a “textbook” design.I like to call it LIVED IN DESIGN, not what you see in some magazines, stiff, cold and over decorated spaces. But lived in, chic, modern, and timeless spaces, fun spaces and spaces that represent the people that live in them. Spaces where life happens, imperfect but welcoming and spaces that make you feel good. What your eyes see and your environment influences your mood, your state of mind.There are other opinions, there are other designers that prefer a more rigid design approach, others that really love more… that isn’t wrong, but that isn’t me. I hope you are here because something I say or pictures I post resonates with you because you also want that lived in but chic approach to the design of your interiors or simply because you think I'm cool!Either way, know that what I share here is authentic, honest, I have experienced it personally and professionally and it has worked time and time again. I still learn something new every day, something that also works, or makes what worked before even better. So, I hope you keep coming back to get advice, is not necessarily expert advice but my advice. Do I consider myself an expert? Sure, I do in my field and in the technical sense, but when it comes to design I am big in LOVE. You must love it.



  • As boring as it may be - edit. By that I mean purge a little, it is a great time of the year as mentioned in a previous post that pruning and cleansing gives you the opportunity to get organized and to let go of what is not serving you well anymore. The pruning part is an analogy as though your space, your things were a plant- if you prune them they will grow healthier/better.
  • Then organize, find a place for everything and everything in its place. Even that junk drawer in the kitchen that has a couple of small tools, warranties for kitchen gadgets you don’t even own anymore, rubber bands, miscellaneous bits and pieces that are hard to pair up with like items. - Clean out the drawer, throw away what you can and if you have an old cupcake baking tray, or even several smaller boxes wrap them up and sort your junk drawer into a miscellaneous drawer.

(This is more of an organizational tip but it is also a good time of the year for that.)



How to Use a Bookshelf to Warm Up a Room

  • Style Bookcases or Shelves - Perhaps by color coordinating the items you display or making them more interesting by adding something unexpected. (Like the letter, H in the example below).  

If you have lots of books add an accessory to break up the monotony of books standing straight up. Lay some of the books down instead with the spine of the book facing out. Then place a picture frame or an accessory on top. Sort and see if you can find books with covers of similar or complementing colors. Make yourselves look deliberately accessorized.Bookshelves are great accessories to warm up a room, especially during cold and dark winter months.

  • Switch It Up - Add something different to another shelf, add some green or a candle. Something that resonates with you, perhaps an item you love from your travels.

Warm Up Your Sofa with Pillows and Throws

  • Now Your Sofa - This is not only easy but fun, add a couple of plush down filled pillows or alternative down. Pick up an accent color/or pattern so they stand out. If your sofa is big enough, add another couple of pillows in different sizes. A throw always adds texture and color/or contrast even if you are going for monochromatic.

Accessories Can Warm Up a Room of Any Style

  • Accessorize Your Coffee Table - But stay tuned, we are working on a post regarding coffee tables and mantels.
  • What's Your Style - Of course, always consider what your style is, in the example below (picture A from Houzz) we have fabulous raspberry colored sofa. Not a very common color for a sofa, but it works extremely well with the white walls and the simplicity of the space. It clearly shows a modern styled living room. On example B, the sofa is a shade of red, the overall look is more casual. They chose to display a different texture by laying the throw on the sofa seat and the pillows are brighter colors and patterns. (Picture B from a Scandinavia website). Note the greenery on picture B. LOVE!

Winter months can be cold and dark - here's how some color and fun accessories can warm up a room. [clickToTweet tweet="Styling any room or area is not that difficult but it is an acquired art." quote="Styling any room or area is not that difficult but it is an acquired art."]A good place to start is a bookshelf, place items in groupings of at least 3, try to be intentional with the colors, textures, and sizes step back and look. What do you think?  If it is right you will know and if it’s wrong you will too when in doubt live with it for a couple of days and then look at it again.Accessorize a room with throw pillows with warm patterns and colors.When accessorizing a room always look at what you have first, edit, donate and keep knick-knacks that you love. Consider scale, texture, and color then display those items you already have and see where are the gaps, then go shopping.I love plants and plants to me add a touch of life to any space. Greenery just seems to work no matter what your Style is and if you think you don’t have a green thumb, just know that there are a lot of “kill proof” plants out there. Some even do great in poorly lit or no direct light. If your style is more minimalist and modern, there are plants that are very structural and with organic but clean lines. If your style is more Bohemian… so in right now, use a macramé plant container holder. There are some great choices out there – I guess macramé is coming back, in fact, it’s here.Move accessories around, something that you might have had in a bedroom move it into the living room. Repurpose that old bathroom mirror, add a white frame and again… Voila! You have a new piece that makes a statement.Stay tuned for more tidbits, more perspective, and opinions. Remember, that the items you have in your home should be a representation of you and what you love. (I used to say a representation of your soul, but then I thought it may be too Woo Woo for clients.) You can mix and match styles and patterns- chances are that if you LOVE THEM, it works!Ciao Rebecca


