Hello everyone,
How is everyone holding up in this crazy time?
We went from utter isolation and what some called the “new normal”, to cruelty, abuse of power, manifestations, and gatherings. It is almost as if COVID-19 was not an issue anymore. But here is the thing, and let me clarify ahead of time that this is only my humble opinion, take what serves you and leave the rest.
There comes a time when one can no longer ignore the subtle and not so subtle forms of racism or discrimination. There comes a time that we cannot just let it go and chalk it up to ignorance, because let’s be frank, anyone who discriminates and uses blanket statements to refer to a certain minority group is indeed ignorant. Traveled persons who have cared to learn about other cultures and who understand that there is only one race- THE HUMAN RACE- typically, do not discriminate.
I have personally bore the brunt of many jokes and have been questioned, not because of a genuine interest in my unusual accent, but because of sheer assumptions and folks who automatically jump into conclusions about my background. Enough said, as this is a forum for creativity, fun projects with a mind towards things we can do to make our homes better, more appealing, and happier. I have always been an advocate for spaces that inspire and that produce or induce a positive emotion.
We missed a week of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE blog posts to leave space for more pressing issues, to provide a forum for voices to be heard and to take a stand. Like the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE email said today,
“We came together last week as we took a collective pause in solidarity against police brutality and social injustice”
But that did not halt the progress of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE even if progress was slowed. I was able to dive into the project and stay centered, focusing on the joy more than the news.
When in doubt focus on the most positive aspect, reach for the best feelings/thoughts and bask in things that bring you joy.
Out of six pieces ordered all together this is the only one that has arrived.
Soft Shapes poster
Here is what happened since we last posted.
The ceiling lamp came in and it is so cute! I cannot wait to attempt the installation of it and see if I can pull out the existing recessed can to install this new fixture in it’s place- hopefully without causing any drywall or textural repairs.
I continued to work on mixing the green table color as I was still not impressed by the “Hunter” green it had become, but I finally nailed it. I also added the hardware and the little table looks awesome. Wait until you see it.
Some of the Artwork is here, but not all of it yet, and I am growing anxious because these Items are key pieces.
I painted the pegboard black and the White Quarter Sawn Oak wood grain took the eggshell finish paint so nicely. It was tempting not to want to paint all the wood black.
The pegs were delivered and are cooler when seen in person. They are unfinished so when I add a matte/low sheen sealer to the picture ledge, I will treat the pegs too.
The picture ledge had to be redone because of the wood pieces we cut had marker writing on them on the reverse side, but that is the side I am using where there is no finish, just raw beautiful wood. (This wood was being thrown out as surplus material of a project. Why am I using the reverse side? Because they had "killed" the front side of the wood with a white pickled finish that is not my look. However, it is not a big deal because the “rejected” picture ledge will be used somewhere else- I will just have to paint that one black and Yeah! I have another picture ledge.
Saving the best photos for the reveal so don't loose interest.
Transformed black table
It used to be distressed black. Now is a deep shade of green.
Hardware by @Schaub_and_company
The glued version with a chamfered top edge to hide the un-plumb wall looks even better.
Picture ledge work in progress.
Additions and Decisions…
Based on some drywall repairs behind the front door/main entrance of the condo, I decided that I would bring in the wood and apply vertical panels to that wall; halfway up the wall and then trim with another piece on top going horizontally like the peg board (without pegs though). The reason for adding the vertical panels was, give there is a door stop, the door tends to damage the drywall behind it over time and repairing drywall and texture is not fun.
The vertical panels are either going to be white as is the wall or match the background of the wallpaper. If I match the background of the wallpaper paint then I will almost certainly be forced to use that color on the linen closet doors and the back of the front door as well. I am not sure I will have time for that. Besides, all the other doors were painted recently in a medium gray.
What color would you paint the vertical panels?
Image showing what we did to the wall behind the front door. How we overcame the fact that the wall was not plumb. How it is finished on the top.
This is the wall treatment we did behind the front door.
When we went to attach the horizontal piece of wood to finish off the vertical planks already adhered to the wall, my cohorts and I realized that the walls are not plumb and there was a wavy space between the board and the wall if viewed from the top. So, my clever carpenter neighbor and friend…. *(will explain later) decided to cut the top of the board at an angle and then cut another piece that returned to the wall and hid the discrepancy of the wall vs the wood board. He made the top of the board like a complete L shape. You will see in the pics.
He chanfered the top edge and cut an extra piece to fit on top. See picture below.
But guess what this means?
Now he must do the same when he installs the picture ledge on the other wall above wallpapered wall. I will take pictures when that is happening so that it is clearer what he did.
*Carpenter explanation
Although, I said I would customize the pegboard myself when it came time to use the power saw, I chickened out. I was not in a learn-how-to-use-power-tools kind of mood at that moment, so I asked for help. My husband tried but was not as accurate as the carpenter. We admitted to ourselves and others we needed help.
I can use a power sander, a Dremel, a drill- I have not yet ventured into power tools – without someone qualified next to me to show me.
In my defense, I dreamed this pegboard and picture ledge, I drew it and set measurements and other than the no plum b wall it all worked out.
This is the kind of thing that makes a carpenter the ideal person to deal with this common issues.
I have said it before and I say it again, IT IS ALL IN THE DETAILS!
Showing we dealt with un plumb wall. You can see how wavy that wall is on the top.
Dealing with un-plumb wall.
Left to do
Attach the blackboard with pegs to the wall.
Glue and nail the picture ledge and attach it to the wall, above and flush to the top of the blackboard with pegs.
Frame the artwork.
Add the light fixture above the table.
Accessorize – my Pampas grass is not here yet… not sure why.
The recycled glass vessel is beautiful but because the glass casts a green tint it may not be the right vessel for the table after all. White would not be an ideal color either and to get the right off- white to play off the wallpaper background is probably going to be hard to find, pricy, or both. So, we shall see what happens when the grass and the artwork are ready.
I am re-thinking the Flor Carpet Square Rug for the entrance that would have been the perfect solution for the application. Sadly, Flor declined to sponsor this project and since the start of this challenge I have been committed to shop my own storage items first, utilize sponsored goods like the fabulous wallpaper by @D.MarieInteriorsWallpaper and the “jewel” of the project- the Hardware for the table by @Schaub_and_company.
The rug is perfect, modern, a great fit for the area but at $260 dollars for a front entrance rug, (although as a designer I receive a discount) I am going to continue to source and see if I find a different solution.
The idea was to do an entryway, a small space with minimal out of pocket investment to show folks with limited resources that small changes can have a big impact. It takes effort, patience and trial and error (e.g. the “ideal” green). But it is so worth it!
This small project has now inspired me to do other spaces in my home that have long been neglected while I work on someone else’s home. I am personally determined to bring joy and a personal touch back into my home again. I realized that giving up on a nice space because I may move soon or because I have a husband and a teen boy who could care less about a nice space was no longer serving me now. I must do this for me…
My home was no longer my pride and joy as it had been in years past-regardless of where I lived. My current home lacked joy… and I was no longer comfortable living, I felt as though I was passing by… the truth is I am not moving yet.
In any case, should I move within the next six months, then I would have enjoyed my space that much more because it was more appealing during my stay.
When I work with clients to do improvements, renovations or staging of their homes the common thread is- they wish they had done it sooner and not solely as an improvement to move.
That is it for now folks. The pictures will show more and explain more. Stay tuned for the grand finale and to see what we are going to do to the wall with vertical wood planks.
Sign off
Wait for it.... 1 more week finalizing and then the big day.
The perfect green and the peg board
Light fixture to replace 4" recess can above table.