FALL 2020
Hey Peeps, I hope you all are managing during these uncertain times, staying healthy and active (the active part is a tough one for me), but most of all, that you are focusing on things that bring you joy. I know, now more than ever, that it is easier said than done, but it really works. It is the only way we are going to make it into 2021 stronger, braver and with a bundle of new possibilities. In fact, we will soon have a brand-new batch of 365 new possibilities, opportunities, and days to be grateful for.On that note, here is one thing that brings me joy- the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE typically get me moving both physically and creatively on all the projects I have been wanting to do at home. They also help me look for inspiration in unexpected places, get more creative and inventive by re-using certain pieces. I also look around my home and see what I can use? relocate and or switch it up with things I already have. When I participate in this challenge for my own home, I like to do it at as minimal expense as possible given that sponsorship is typically limited to smaller social media accounts like mine to only two or three vendors if that.This time around, for the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE, I am going to tackle our tiny master bedroom/ primary bedroom. (New appropriate term for the master bedroom as someone mentioned that calling it the “Master bedroom” implied that the man of the house is the master.)In my tiny bedroom, I literally have about 18” between the bed the wall, the same on the other side in that space we can only fit our small bedside tables. The walk space between the footboard and the dresser is maybe 30”– not measured quite yet as I am not changing any of the furniture so little space plan to be done. Ideally, I would like to swap out the bed with a newly purchased headboard… It would definitely make the room seem bigger.I am re-inventing everything else other than new black out panels and new bedding that I have already acquired in preparation for this makeover. I am going to breathe new life into all the furniture pieces starting with the bed. Although I do not care for the bed anymore, it is not my style at all but a new one is not in the budget currently. Neither is replacing the bedside tables which I would prefer came with two or three drawers instead of one.
Here are some before pictures, but ignore the disarray as it is not typical it was only while we dismantle the bedroom.
If you would like to see where I started and where we are headed on this project please, check out Week 1 progress, Week #2, Week #3, Week #4, Week #5 on the blog and see how far we have come.
[ngg src="galleries" ids="73" display="pro_tile"] The dresser I have had for many years-it is a hand-me-down that I had re-laminated with white Formica and added casters too make it movable as it is a heavy- (our nick name for that piece is the “White Elephant”). However, it is a solid piece, functional (built with 3/4” MDF), and it has inset drawers. The dresser is so simple that it pretty much goes with everything, and I call it dresser because it is in the bedroom now, but in another house it was in the dining room storing glass wear and holiday dishes and table cloths. So, the dresser has all the good bones, but it needs a refresh.The walls in the bedroom will also require a refresh, but I will not stray too far from white walls. Instead, I am plotting to use a pop of color on an unused wall space, I want it to be an element of surprise for the Challenge and the only clue I am going to give you is the word “Arch”.Here is the plan for the desired changes in a nutshell:
- Paint the bed (currently an outdated stain color) a beautiful neutral color that I recently discovered by Dunn Edwards paint – stay tuned for the name.
- Paint the walls.
- Update the bedside tables either all white or paint the walnut parts black to contrast against the existing white drawer head. Change the hardware for something more substantial.
- Refresh the dresser top (not quite sure how yet on the surface) and new hardware also- that match the hardware for bedside cabinets.
- Hang a new curtain rod and new curtains.
- I have already purchased the new curtains with soft off-white and warm greige stripes.
- Purchased new bedding, all white of course. Except the top cover/coverlet.
- Install new lighting –due to the bedside tables being so small and not offering much in the way of surface space, the plan is to hang plug-in wall lamps (disguising the exposed cables for both the lamps and the existing TV also).
- Hang new art above the dresser, perhaps above the bed or below the new lights.
Here are the hopes and dreams for this space...
Stay tuned for progress, updates on any sponsorships, a step-by-step plan on how I am going to tackle this small room.