Hello Peeps,
Hope everyone is doing well this week.
I am sure the partial opening of businesses and the easing of business closures is bringing a bit of a relief to a lot of folks. We are mindful of the worry and fear folks who may be susceptible to contracting the virus are likely to be experiencing. Take good care of yourselves knowing our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are sending loads of positivity and love into the Universe so that everyone will get through this.
So now we are onto week two of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE- www.oneroomchallenge.com/orc-blog, and I am sure fellow guest participants have also made a lot of progress. I am still undecided regarding colors for the table I said I would finish and pondering whether the board with hooks should be the same color as the table or not… What do you think? I would love your input. Please comment and lend me your ideas. I am also working towards posting on Instagram to see voter feedback.
Here is a rendering that is close to what I want to do, except for the wooden table which will be painted.
Rendering #1
Rendering showing the entryway and the area we are planning to make over. Showing wallpaper, a place holder table, and place holder art.
Rendering #1 - with painted black hook board.
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Here is another image showing the hook board painted white as the wall.
Rendering #2
Same image as above just showing the hook board in white.
With white hook board - Note: Hooks will definitely black.
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This new Rendering shows the way the Entryway is also part hallway where we have a couple of doors.
Rendering #3
Showing actual doors near the Entryway and the Render. But the doors are Gray as in photo, not white. Now, I almost wish they were white... but recently painted so they are remaining Gray. Except may be the interior side of the front door.
Showing actual doors near the Entryway and the Render. But the doors are Gray as in photo, not white. Now, I almost wish they were white... but recently painted so they are remaining Gray. Except may be the interior side of the front door.
Here is a reminder of what finishes I am shooting for…
Wallpaper – check. I have it, and it sticks to the wall… I am so HAPPY! (But please remember, I am not advocating for this practice. I am taking the risk because it is my place).
Existing black table – revived with paint and new hardware.
Paint color choices- narrowed down to one of these 3 colors. Check it out… with the help of a fellow designer (whom I adore because of her courage to play with color selections), it turn out absolutely fab! I listened to my fellow designer’s advise and rather than muted tones, I am going with a more saturated color and here is why:
My place needs a little infusion of color given the wallpaper is already muted enough and while aspiring to a more modern look, it will not lose that open, bright, crisp vibe that I love. Hence, I contacted The Color Queen rachelmoriartyinteriors. Remember, this dwelling is only 900 sf!
I narrowed down the colors to 3- Dark Green, Light Green and that Redish/Pinkish/ color in the artwork.
I narrowed down the colors to 3- Dark Green, Light Green and that Copperish color in the artwork.
This is the table that will painted and it will live in that same place with Wallpaper as backdrop.
The colors for the table Light Green, Dark Green or the Rust color.
The colors for the table Light Green, Dark Green or the Rust color. Potential rug am hoping to add, it will fit wall to wall length ways and also width ways.
Artwork with very organic and shapes and colors.
Designer’s Trick: When I get paint samples, I put them right next to the wallpaper to see what color pops best. I want it to make an impact while still appearing clean, crisp organic and modern.
1) Declutter the area, organize all around because there is nothing worse than to start a project when there is already a mess… avoid becoming overwhelming. There are still three residents that need to walk by this area frequently throughout the day with the front door being right there and used a lot. While the project is happening, there continues to be online schoolwork, and an in-home business to conduct (Is that the new thing now a days?)
2) Test the paint samples and decide on the color.
3) Clean, sand and prep the table and board (a long piece of wood where we are going to attach hooks). Now for painting them. The board…now there is another decision. I do not care for a “matchy-matchy look” so I am going to have to decide whether to paint it the same white as the wall or maybe black to match the 3” picture ledge I plan to install and use for artwork above it. Why only a half wall of wallpaper below the peg board? That is because it is directly across from the linen closet and, it may seem a little claustrophobic with only a 38” width span from wall to linen closet doors and a ceiling height of only 96”. With more vertical space than side to side space, the artwork will take attention away from the multiple items being hung on the hooks.
4) Wallpaper is my favorite part! While it will make a huge visual impact, I am also in love with the artwork I found through Rachel also https://society6.com/s?q=thingdesign&context=thingdesign
5) Designed a Flor rug for the entrance. Currently, I use IKEA rugs that are so awesome because I can wash them, bleach them and switch them out often. I own a ton of them. There is one drawback though- they don’t stay in place. Boys… with big shoes and not caring sometimes causes the mat that belongs by the front door to end up outside the bedroom door down the hall. (Who else can relate?). I could place one of those rubbery underlayment grip rugs below, but I suspect that it will get moved also. So, a Flor rug it is … https://www.flor.com/. Weighted carpet squares that you can put together and take apart to wash or replace individual squares also come with sticky circles that can be placed on the underside. Carpet squares can also be cut for a more custom design. Each carpet square is 19.7cm square s almost 20” square.
6) Sand and paint the mirror frame… I am pretty sure this will be the same color as the table, but then again, black may be a better option because to allow the wallpaper and table to be the focal point of the entrance way rather than the mirror. What do you think? Please add your comments below. If the hook board and picture ledge are to be black, then the mirror frame as well. Of the previous 3 color options, maybe I will use the lighter green for the mirror and the darker for the table… there is a thought.
7) Hang the board with hooks on the wall.
8) Add new hardware to the table.
9) Find a round clear glass vessel for the greenery that will live on the table which can be changed seasonally or whenever they dry out. If the table ends up being the dark green, then perhaps this vessel may be white.
10) Add my wooden Buddha or the black Buddha head- again, this will depend on the table color.
11) If by the time the ORC is nearing the end and the HOA where I live completes the exterior painting of the buildings, the outside of my front door will be a not so attractive cinnamon brown. I will power wash the front path, add a couple of plants on either side of the door and a modern wreath to the door, so that I can shoot it from outside(just kidding- wishful thinking).
12) I think I want to paint the inside of my front door black. All the other interior doors are currently a medium gray that I love. But… right there, where all this is happening, the door being black or even the color of the table (hmmmmm???) – that would look pretty chic. Or leave it gray to match the other interior doors… What do you think?
Weighted carpet squares that you can put together and take apart to wash or replace individual squares also come with sticky circles that can be placed on the underside. Carpet squares can also be cut for a more custom design or wall to wall carpeting in a room. Each carpet square is 19.7cm square so almost 20” square. If you square gets damaged or stained, pop it out and replace it with a new one. These are totally washable.
Nice shade of Gray.... may be not what I would choose now . But again this is a Rental and we have already painted them once or twice in seven years. They were a very light - non-Epic Gray .
That is about it folks, as far as progress goes this week. There has been a lot of back and forth with colors, and now that I have a clearer direction in mind, I am pretty certain that this weekend there will be a lot of progress. I will attempt to video record the wallpapering and painting process to show how I do it.
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