Hello Peeps,
Hope everyone is well, healthful, hopeful that soon business will start opening. That every one will be as considerate of others as they can and above all understanding that we do not have to agree with one another to respect each other. Remember that everyone is going through their own "thing"... and we have no idea what that is, so be kind.
Well, what a week!
Really good week though.
Made some progress this week by selecting the green for the table and completing the hanging of the wallpaper. Not sure yet if I want to continue wallpapering the bottom half of the half wall near the front door. While I wallpapered all on my own [so hard to do!], I took pics of the progress so that you can see the process as the work progresses. Again, as I mentioned previously, choosing to wallpaper already textured walls, is not ideal whether that be peel and stick or traditional wallpaper.
But I got it done, and gave forethought to making it easy to remove in future without any drywall damage if we get tired of it or decide to move.
SNEAKY TRICK: I cut around the already drilled-in screws, nails, and picture hangers because after the wallpaper is completed, I don’t want any additional drilling or hammering of the drywall. (Again, not the standard practice but, sometimes you do what you’ve got to do to make your project work- only if it is your own home. I would never implement any nonstandard methods in a client’s home.) My fear with the drilling or hammering after the wallpaper is already up, is that something will go wrong and I will have to peel off the paper and re-do it. …. No time, no way!
Perhaps, wallpapering on textured walls is a little more difficult than it would be if the walls were smooth texture and it would most definitely look better up-close. But the paper is graphic enough and it will have other elements distracting from the slight “corrugated” look due to the drywall texture when you look up closely. An untrained eye would not notice one bit.
Another issue I was fearful of was, what if it peels off all by itself in the middle of the night?
What would I do then? As you may remember, I tested the wallpaper by hanging a single large piece ahead of time and leaving it for a few days to see what happened... All was good-nothing happened.
HELPFUL HINT: I suggest going around the corner with the wallpaper, otherwise I believe it will tend to peel or wear at the edge or the outsider corners. This wallpaper is also very sturdy and flexible so I think it will wear well around corner edges even with broad shouldered boys brushing by it.
Here we go with the progress pictures, starting by clearing the area out, clearing out the space completely so I can bring in a ladder and all the bits and pieces to get the project done.
Before you decide to complete your own project, keep in mind your current circumstances- retail stores are closed, people are working from home if they are working at all, and the stock market which can scare a new born baby. With the generous sponsorship from D. Marie Interiors Wallpaper, I was able to bring this small space to life. I hope to feature awesome hardware from Schaub and Company for the small table, as well as a Flor Carpet Square Rug (not sure of their sponsorship as of yet, but that is what we are hoping for). I have a practically, non-existent budget for paint, accessories, other materials, and artwork, but I am continuing to contemplate what items I might already have around the house and garage to add to this project without spending a dime. Do not hesitate to do the same!
Mostly, I am wanting this project to personalize my home but with an extraordinarily little budget. Considering the current times I wanted to be sensitive that not everyone, myself included is able to spend on projects right now- and again- this is a rental.
I have held on to this D. Marie Interiors Wallpaper for a little over a year and have been while dreaming of the perfect place to use it. I give all the credit to D. Marie Interiors Wallpaper as they have generously allowed me to retain today’s wallpaper as a from another project. D. Marie has amazing pattern and color choice sand the quality of the wallpaper is also on point.
Here we go- the progress pictures, starting with clearing out the area, clearing the space completely so I was able to bring in a ladder and all the bits and pieces needed to get the wallpapering part of the project done. The pattern has a big repeat so there are a few left over pieces that would be a shame to waste, so I will try to use them where the pattern does not need to line up (e.g. the back of a bookshelf).
Here we go- the progress pictures, starting with clearing out the area, clearing the space completely so I was able to bring in a ladder and all the bits and pieces needed to get the wallpapering part of the project done. The pattern has a big repeat so there are a few left over pieces that would be a shame to waste, so I will try to use them where the pattern does not need to line up (e.g. the back of a bookshelf).
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Starting the process to get the area cleared out and cleaned to being
Existing Space being cleared out to start wallpapering.
Junk drawer cleared out.
Table out, ready for sanding and prepping.
Wiping baseboards and walls is critical.
Getting ready.
You will also need a ruler, new blades and a couple of different knives so you don't break one and have to stop and go shop for a new one. You will need something with to smooth out the wall paper gently (due to texture), but your hands are great for that.
Table for cutting and measuring wallpaper.
With the sharp blades I cut this so the paper would turn the corner without wrinkling.
Wrapping paper around the corner to avoid expose edges.
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Am sure you know this if you have ever used contact paper. You peel the backing paper off a little at the time, you can manage the lining up of the pattern and getting the wallpaper straight. (On large wall I would probably chalk a line to be sure)
I also cheated a bit or may this qualifies as a hack. I took a glue stick and run it by the edges where the wallpaper butts up, at the bottom where it meets the baseboard, and at the top.... any where I thought may eventually start peeling off. On the outside, waited a few then wiped the excess.
Pattern Repeat and alignment.
This corner was tricking so I ended up cutting the paper and then worked with the other half of the long strip of paper right up to the inside corner.
Heading around the corner.
Not that it was that difficult, but this was challenging to do myself. The following wall was easy.
Making progress.
I love it. I was concerned that once the wallpaper was up I would be overwhelmed... I am sure partial to white walls with artwork.
The L shaped wall is completed.
...and we made it around the corner again...
Working with a shorter piece of wallpaper is so much more easy and manageable.
Love this wallpaper....
I love how the wallpaper looks against the white, the gray, black and other colors. Absolutely love it.
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….and done! For this week, that is the progress folks.
Done! For this week.
This weekend and next week I will be sanding the table, getting the perfect green mixed to create a rich tone to add to the entrance of this tiny condo. I am hoping to cut the wood and picture ledge as well so that I can complete all the painting at the same time. Then, once the wood is installed, I can do touch ups if needed.
I have also to select the final hardware to make the little table look more substantial by adding new hardware that will make a statement. The table is dainty and small scale… but it fits that corner well, and I am not looking to buy additional furniture right now. By adding hardware that is more substantial, I believe it will give the table a “heftier” look that is in contrast with the skinny legs. Wait until you see it. It is going to be stunning!
I have also decided to add magnets to the old-fashioned linen closet doors magnets so doors actually close and remain closed (typical condo amenities) and add entirely different set of hardware than that which is being considered for the table.
As soon as Home Goods or Cost-Plus World Market open… which I hope it is soon…I will be going to look for a “recycled” round clear glass vessel to display greenery or Pampas grass. Or perhaps I will find the perfect round vessel in white. When I see it, I will know. This vessel will replace the blue one I currently own- one thing in and one thing out type of method.
It has been a whirlwind week and as I sit here on this Wednesday evening, I am exhausted.
As I put my thoughts to paper, there is no time to send this blog post out before “editing” so please be gentle all of you punctuation and/or grammar critics. Instead, please focus on the results of this project which demonstrates that with just a bit of effort and imagination anyone can add a little joy with small changes to your home. You do not need huge budgets or expensive finishes, all the time. Specially if you are in a rental go for the small changes that will bring you joy, make your house/apartment a home and add your own personal flair. As I like to say, “Make it a home that is uniquely yours.”
The advantage you have is you can do you… in your own time.
Go for it!
pampas grass, hardware, artwork, pegs/hooks, black board and wall paper. all the things together.
All the things together.... Cannot wait..
Sign off