The Challenge To Turn Bland Into An Inspiring And Functional Space


A Rebirth Makeover

The Challenge To Turn Bland Into An Inspiring And Functional Space

One Room Challenge Week #2

Hello Peeps!Wow! This past week was a challenge onto itself, packing moving, dealing with the logistics of deciding what goes to remote storage location vs our new little home (office).  Phew!Lifting heavy sample and book boxes was not an easy task. I hired movers but ultimately I always end up lifting and guess what?.... Hurt my ribs on my right side, so I can’t lift my right arm very high. The other sad news is that we were not able to save the Quartz Countertop for the white display.I am more sad about the waste, was hoping to donate it to Habitat for Humanity so they could use it in a kitchen or bathrooms of a home. Ultimately, the white display will get pared down so I will need a different size countertop.But I am excited as the ideas are flooding - lol no pun intended - perhaps, I should use an alternative word. The ideas are pouring into my head for the new office and I am pretty sure the Wallpaper is nailed down, just waiting for ok from Sponsor…. So exciting that I also get to write and connect with great vendors.Aside from that, I also decided on window treatments as I am reusing the panels I used at the old studio to divide the areas. I have a lovely graphic for Wishlist items so I am hoping that I can convince the Sponsors of how cool this multi-purpose office/intimate studio is going to look.The Challenge To Turn Bland Into An Inspiring And Functional Space

A little glimpse of where I think I am headed  with the Wallpaper


Check out the post for Week #1 of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE so you can see where we started with the wallpaper options. At the time we did not have the final space yet.

Well, maybe not totally decided on I heard from the sponsor and this pattern may not be possible. Holding my breath, since the paper is my jumping off point.

More before photos:

(Please don’t judge, I am trying to work while moving while managing my business and while I wear many hats)Fortunately, not everything is in disarray behind the scenes thanks to Denise Donaldson my VA extraordinaire.

[gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="7096,7095"] This is where this display will store all my books, catalogs & samples, office supplies etc.  I am adding another photo of this wall so you can get how this office flows. Not too complicated, a rectangular box with a door and a window. Simple.

 Hoping for a new Bookcase, but not sure yet if it will be possible.

[gallery size="medium" ids="7098,7097,7099"]                                                                              (Did I mentioned I just moved in?)The Challenge To Turn Bland Into An Inspiring And Functional Space


In case you were wondering what one of my favorite flowers are. “Peonies”

The Challenge To Turn Bland Into An Inspiring And Functional Space

This photo is relevant if I get to use the Peonie wallpaper.


I hadn’t realized what a great opportunity for an awesome photoshop also.


Here is the plan:

The Challenge To Turn Bland Into An Inspiring And Functional Space Ok beyond this I can’t decide on much else until I have the main component, the wallpaper. But you get the idea and there is definitely going to be high & low elements incorporated in this design because the budget is a consideration. I cannot wait to get started on the work here, (& finally be organized & surrounded by pretty things again) the next thing on the list is to install the grey display, the shelves for samples on the sample wall & bring in the white display in … then the other labor work begins… wallpapering, painting, hanging window treatments & making this rectangular box into an intimate studio/multifunctional office.By next week we will have a more definitive plan based on the pieces and elements we are for sure obtaining/deciding and which ones will remain on the Wishlist graphic.The current white Tulip table in the space is too big, we need one a little smaller and with a metal base. The Boho wicker chairs won’t work either, so those got to go as well. Really, hoping for the leather more streamlined black chairs from AllModern.Ok, enough, for now, don’t want to give it all away now.Have you read Week #1 & Week #3?Rebecca O'Rourke, Interior Designer, Southern California


How To Deal With Challenges In Interior Design


How a Monumental Move Inspired Me To Create Something Beautiful