The Grand Finale Of Our One Room Challenge
Here we are and it is the final and reveal week of the One Room Challenge. I am so excited to have reached this point as there were many moments when I questioned my decision to participate due to time constraints and other things happening at the same time.
When You Are Under Pressure Just Breathe
After having to move out of my lovely shop, accept the changes that I have gone through, letting go of the hard work I had put into that space, the “emotional rollercoaster” and exhaustion from the resistance – Yes, I was resistant to letting go, but I believe there are better things in store for me.
"A Creative Life Is An Amplified Life" E.G.
Ok so here we are and it is week #4. Oh my, how am I going to get this all done in the next two weeks? I have to wallpaper, hang window treatment hardware, hopefully, change the hardware on the grey display. Also, add another sample wall shelf on each wall so that I can spread out the samples more. Last but not least address ugly ceiling tiles.
How To Deal With Challenges In Interior Design
Thanks for returning to see the components, challenges, and lessons of this challenge. I have to really appreciate those of you who take the time to read my blog posts, especially when there are so many talented designers who are participating as guest designers in the and who have beautiful concepts all pulled together already. Let alone the posts from the designers who are being featured.
The Challenge To Turn Bland Into An Inspiring And Functional Space
Wow! This past week was a challenge onto itself, packing moving, dealing with the logistics of deciding what goes to remote storage location vs our new little home (office).
How a Monumental Move Inspired Me To Create Something Beautiful
Since I have to move suddenly because my studio flooded seven times in less than 2 years, I decided to take on and style the new office. Budget is a consideration, so at least at first I need to reuse some of the displays & furniture.